
Case Report

Massive gastrointestinal bleeding; never too old to be due to Meckel’s Diverticulum - A case report and literature review

Subhi Mansour, Kenan Halloun and Safi Khuri*

Published: 03 June, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 034-039

Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding is a very common medical problem encountered in the acute care setting, and is a major cause of admission to hospitals with about 300,000 patients admitted annually. Obscure GI bleeding, defined as persistent or recurrent bleeding following initial negative upper and lower endoscopy, represents approximately 5% of all GI hemorrhages. The small bowel is the most common source for obscure GI bleeding. Variable lesions of the small bowel can cause obscure GI bleeding, with tumors, Crohn’s disease and Meckel’s diverticulum being more common in young age group. Meckel’s diverticulum, the most common GI congenital malformation, is usually asymptomatic and incidentally found. It can present with GI bleeding, seen more in pediatric patients, and rarely in adult patients. Herein, we present a 45 years old female patient, presenting with massive obscure GI bleeding due to Meckel’s diveticulum.

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