
Review Article

Lecture: “First aid to the population for wounds during accidents, сatastrophes, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks” for Humanitarian and Technical Universities

Shapovalov KA* and Shapovalova LA

Published: 19 July, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 2 | Pages: 040-049

1. The concept of wounds.

2. Classification of wounds.

3. Signs of wounds.

4. Factors affecting the course of the wound process.

5. Phases of the wound process.

6. Types of wound healing.

7. Features of wounds in children.

8. First (first emergency) help.

9. Complications of wounds.

10. Specific bite wounds. Notion Treatment. Complications.

11. Snake bites. First aid.

12. Arthropod bites. First aid.

Wounds are called traumatic violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes with possible damage to the deeper tissues.

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